Why I stream

2020, a roller coaster of a year however it seems most people utilized their time to find that niche of theres and start a business or service, then there comes me that’s like “well everyone else has done some shit you fucktard get up and do something”. It’s bizarre because you think I would’ve started my own brand or something because of my apparel background and my interests in shoes and clothes but that honestly wasn’t ringing out to me. What I’m good with is PEOPLE, SOCIALIZING, doing/saying stupid shit to make people laugh and in this fucked up ass world that’s what’s needed. So I decided to start streaming and RUDEBWOY was born. The reason I chose Rudebwoy is because it’s an referral to my Caribbean roots and it pops vs plain ol Richie, plus I love going into streams and hearing “Hey Rudebwoy”. So I joined TWITCH and honestly it’s been one the greatest decisions of my life, I don’t stream to make millions, or to get paid I do it because with my sense of humor and socializing skills I just love to meet people and if I could make 1 persons day better I’ve done my part as a good humanitarian. I’m decent at video games but I’m entertaining as hell, and it’s a joy of mine to see people laugh, it’s peace, it’s bliss, it’s joy and that’s what people need and I hope it’s reciprocated from me to another and so on. This world has kicked me down and will continue to do so, but I remain strong and I want to remind people to uplift themselves and stay positive because life IS beautiful if you took a second to appreciate what you have vs what you don’t which is something many people overlook including myself I mean hey I am human. I stream to spread peace, to show joy, and honestly even if it doesn’t go anywhere well atleast I tried and I met some dope ass fucking people because of it. I’ll say this as I say at the end of all my streams “thanks for reading this, you could’ve been doing anything else in the world but you were here rocking with me reading my little blurb, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this” hope you tune in! Rudebwoy out!